CNN’s Peter Bergen comes to Bradley

Today marks 10 years since the terror attacks of 9/11. Like anybody else old enough at the time, I remember exactly when I found out and have some pretty distinct memories of the day. But in addition to reflecting on those events, national security analyst Peter Bergen told those assembled in Bradley University’s Michel Student… Continue reading CNN’s Peter Bergen comes to Bradley

Entrepreneurs: What advice do you have?

Five days from now, I’ll begin the last semester of my undergraduate career. I’ll save the retrospective look for another time. Today, though, I would like to make mention of something. As a communication and interactive media double major, I felt like I haven’t been taught enough in the ways of business and entrepreneurship at… Continue reading Entrepreneurs: What advice do you have?

Peoria AFTRA president Garry Moore rallies the troops

Last week, WEEK 25 anchorman and president of the Peoria chapter Garry Moore spoke at the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists’ (AFTRA) national convention in Seattle. I can’t say how Moore did in comparison to other speakers, but he brought the crowd to their feet twice during his five-minute speech. “The truth is… Continue reading Peoria AFTRA president Garry Moore rallies the troops