The email you are about to read is one I had to look through multiple times to verify that it actually came from the martial arts publisher it purports to. The thrust of this messageĀ is to announce a DVD is going on clearance. That’s it. However, just for laughs, I print-previewed it to see that… Continue reading #emailmarketingfail: The Infomercial
#emailmarketingfail: All About Me!
Friday morning, 8:33 a.m. If you were wondering which email prompted me to start this series, this is it. I get an email with a decent subject line, one that lets me know what the sender is trying to get me to download. Fair enough. Truth be told, I don’t remember how I got on… Continue reading #emailmarketingfail: All About Me!
#emailmarketingfail: Wrong Name, Zero Opt-In
Since I write regularly for my martial arts program and my employer, this blog has taken a bit of a backseat. Until now. Often I find myself scratching my head at the email marketing messages I am sent by organizations. For more than a year, I’ve made a serious effort to up my email marketing… Continue reading #emailmarketingfail: Wrong Name, Zero Opt-In
Review: Clean Concepts in Kane & Wilder’s Dirty Ground
Martial arts instructors teach some pretty brutal moves. Some show the moves without providing much context. “This is the person’s attack. This is your defense. Practice it,” they say. But self-defense is much more nuanced than that. Luckily for me, I train under instructors who challenge my assumptions about what I would do in a… Continue reading Review: Clean Concepts in Kane & Wilder’s Dirty Ground
Former Martial Arts Students Moving On
Last week during Old Settlers, the annual small-town fair, I saw three of my former martial arts students. They were some of the first students who started training with Metamora Martial Arts in 2005 when we we began teaching teaching there following a year-long experiment teaching kids in Sunnyland. The two boys were excited to… Continue reading Former Martial Arts Students Moving On